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GitHub Pages - a quick start

This is a quick introduction to GitHub Pages, a simple way to use GitHub to set up a small website written in Markdown. This page won’t do everything, but you can throw up a basic website, use themes, and extend it.

  1. Go to GitHub. Login, or if you don’t have an account get one and login.

  2. Go to the “+” icon on the upper right and select New repository.

  3. Enter a name for your repository (e.g. “profile”). Enter a description, and leave the repository as public. Select “Initialize this repository with a README”. If desired select a license. Finally click Create repository.

  4. Look for the Settings menu (upper right, next to a “gear” icon). Scroll down to GitHub Pages and choose master branch and save your selection. Then Choose a theme and select your theme. You will be asked to Commit changes.

  5. Your website will be visible at https :// (be sure to change GITHUBUSERNAME to your username, and REPONAME to the name you selected for your repo. )

  6. You can edit your website by editing the readme file as desired.


    You can preview how your Markdown looks using and editor like Markdown Plus.

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